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Bill 42: An Act to Prevent and Combat Psychological Harassment and Sexual Violence in the Workplace

How does this new law, some provisions of which came into effect on September 28, 2024, impact the management of your business ?


By adopting Bill 42, titled An Act to Prevent and Combat Psychological Harassment and Sexual Violence in the Workplace (“Bill 42”), on March 27, 2024, the government sent a clear message to all employers, managers, executives, employees, unions, and even third parties.

The objective of Bill 62 is to reform certain rules related to the awarding and granting of public contracts to improve efficiency in delivering major public infrastructure projects.


This reform notably includes the introduction of “partnership contracts,” a new type of contract whereby a public body collaborates, using a cooperative approach, with a contractor on various responsibilities related to a public infrastructure project involving expenditures of $5 million or more, provided the awarding process is ongoing or started after October 9, 2024.


Warning: The amendments introduced by Bill 62 have been in effect since October 9, 2024, but the online versions of the relevant laws have not yet incorporated these changes.


Bill 62 amends the following laws :


  • Act Respecting Contracting by Public Bodies, CQLR c. C-65.1, ss. 3, 13.1, 17 to 21, 21.18, 21.48.9, 24.48.28, 58.1


Partnership contracts will include mixed construction work and professional services contracts entered into by a public body within the framework of infrastructure projects using a collaborative approach, as well as certain contracts determined by Treasury Board regulation.


Bill 62 specifies the rules applicable to this new type of contract, as well as the monetary threshold requiring contracting companies to obtain an authorization to contract issued by the Autorité des marchés publics.


Finally, public bodies may, following an unsuccessful call for tenders and under certain conditions, enter into a mutual agreement contract without publishing a notice of intent in the electronic tendering system.


  • Act Respecting the Autorité des Marchés Publics, CQLR c. A-33.2.1, s. 36


Bill 62 grants the Autorité des marchés publics additional verification powers regarding the integrity of businesses under its supervision while limiting the communication of information obtained during these verifications.


It also introduces a procedure to request the cancellation of a decision rendered by a third-party arbitrator following a dispute resolution process concerning construction work carried out on behalf of a public body and specifies the grounds for such cancellation.


  • Act Respecting the Government Acquisitions Center, CQLR c. C-7.01, ss. 5, 9, 15, 19, 27, 30, and 42


The composition of the governance committee of the Government Acquisitions Center is amended, and the government is empowered to remunerate members of this committee and those of the audit committee.


  • Act Respecting Workforce Management and Control in Ministries, Public Bodies, and State Networks, CQLR c. G-1.011, ss. 16, 17, and 21


Certain relief measures are provided concerning service contract provisions in this law.


  • Public Infrastructure Act, CQLR c. I-8.3, ss. 15, 16, 18, 19, 27, 29, 37, 42, 43, 44, 46, 51


Certain amendments are made to the administrative authorization framework associated with public infrastructure investment planning and public infrastructure management. For instance, the President of the Treasury Board will now have the authority to verify the use of funds allocated to public bodies in this area.


Bill 62 also expands the powers of the Société québécoise des infrastructures (SQI), notably by allowing it to:


  • Provide services to a broader clientele,

  • Repurpose surplus spaces to meet the needs of the entities or individuals who will occupy them,

  • Acquire any property necessary for public infrastructure projects by mutual agreement or expropriation on behalf of other public bodies,

  • Establish a land reserve for the future realization of such projects.


Furthermore, a new union representation regime applies to the employee unions of the SQI. For this purpose, Bill 62 establishes the bargaining units that may be formed based on five categories of personnel. It specifies that only one union may be accredited to represent employees in a bargaining unit and that a single collective agreement may apply to all employees in that unit.


The specialized GBV team in public contract law can assist you in activities affected by this legislation. You may contact Me Charles-Francis Roy or Me Guillaume Lemieux for assistance.

L’équipe spécialisée de GBV en droit du travail peut vous accompagner dans le cadre de vos activités affectées par cette loi. 





​À paraître le 27 février 2025 :​

Le harcèlement psychologique et sexuel au travail – Tout ce qu’il faut savoir (2e édition)

Par Me Caza, Éditions Wilson & Lafleur Ltée.​

​MISE EN GARDE : Cette publication a pour but de donner des renseignements généraux sur des questions et des nouveautés d’ordre juridique à la date indiquée. Les renseignements en cause ne sont pas des avis juridiques et ne doivent pas être traités ni invoqués comme tels.

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